Luxman L590AXii vs Accuphase E-650 for a Shindo lover

I have loved tubes all my audiophile life, but looking to pare down to a SS integrated.
These two are the only ones under consideration (not looking for other recos).

I love the Shindo sound (in an ideal world I would own a full Shindo system), rich, full, lush yet transparent with ample details and good thumping bass.

In that case which of these two amps would work best. Where I live Accuphase is 50% more expensive than the Luxman, so that is also worth considering while buying.

My speakers are Devore O/96s. Source AMR DP777

As you said, “system synergies prevail in a specific application”

I switched from Shindo to Accuphase and fortunately do not miss the Shindo’s delicious house sound :-) 

very cool

i would think the tube bloom would have been even more prominent on high efficiency models like your tannoys, even though the accuphase does have about as bloomy a midrange and midbass as solid state can offer


That’s the brilliance of Accuphase pure class A, you get to enjoy the tube bloom and virtues of SS without the hassle of NOS tubes procurement and maintenance :-)