What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

Lewm, based on what you posted I would say your knowledge of electronics is sketchy too. It's all relative. Caps don't fail truly hard short, typically partial short and the transformer ends out blowing out the short (and the cap).  The yoghurt machine had a fuse. The metal control would also have been chassis grounded if assembled properly so you are saying it had a faulty ground connection AND an internal wiring failure.  More likely conductive liquid buildup but that's a guess.
"The equipment winds up protecting the fuse!"

Taking into consideration quick depreciation of used audio equipment and availability of more and more expensive fuses, this may be good thing.
What I find most interesting is that you hardly ever hear of a tweak making things worse.
After i just learned the fact that it is the visibility of my devices that change my perception of sound, in no way their shape or acoustical content properties, after reading that, i read that what prove my failure or treachery is that i dont speak about device making things worse...On the contrary: for example put a piece of shungite on the amplifier it will compress the sound.... Anyway....

I cannot express how ridiculous are the contorsions of someone willing to dismiss something he dont want to experiment or understand....

Sorry i never has been the first sheep in the line,  buy your costly device warrented to be the best by the market and dont bother with acoustic, your equalizer will solve all...

"...your equalizer will solve all..."
Finally words of wisdom.

I recommend Soundraftsmen. They are even cheaper than Hallograph.

soundcraftsmen products for sale | eBay

«Wisdom is on a scale, lettuce are not star»-Anonymus Smith

By the way i NEVER recommended to buy the hallograph, that was not my point at all...

My best to you....