What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

Thanks the article is good and fun to read....

But one fact is lacking and it is the essential one....

I proved for myself without buying anything except low cost ordinary materials or peanuts cost cheap electronics piece i modified, or device i create in my listening experiments for the last 2 years, i proved for myself and for those who will dare to try, that against ALL the conditioning market influence on the gullible consumers, it is possible to create an Hi-FI experience at peanuts costs...Yes at peanuts cost....

Then the real debate is not about the faith in tweaks, in general costly, OR the reason of science...

The real debate is between the useless throwing of money from people who buy very high cost products (tweaks or piece of gear) and try to upgrade them after that WITHOUT never knowing HOW to make them work at their effective real potential working peak quality...No single tweak at any cost can be by itself only the solution... NONE.

I called that treating and controlling the mechanical and electrical and acoustical dimensions of any audio system...

The main question then is not if there is a rational explanation or not, about a single tweak we must or must not buy....Not at all....Perhaps there is an explanation and sometimes there is one but sometimes not at the moment....Anyway....

The main question is how do i learn to listen and create at very low cost or at no cost, a Top Hi-FI experience ? All audiophile are not millionnaire....The question can be ask? but i know very well that asking this question will attract the mockery of those who own very costly product indeed....Anyway...

If i could do it, anybody can....And it is not necessary to do the same thing than me , it is not all people who can use for only their own a family room fill with inesthetical devices...But being inspired is good....This is my point

No one need a science book to know that any audio system vibrate and resonate, is immersed in a noisy electrical house grid, and that the best speakers cannot sound good in a bad acoustical room....How could i take care of that? No single tweak even costly will do the job.... It is then better to create your own device when possible....

Myself i sell nothing, i sell hope in your own creativity, and i sell reason, the rational thinking that said it is useless to throw too much money because of our faith in reviewers and audio market....

How to embed a system? This is the RATIONAL question to ask.... Not: where could i buy the best ready made immediate costly solution ? Save if you crumble under your money... Then you can mock me, some did....😊

Then interesting article but almost totally beside the main point.....

Like usual binary alternative:

shaman versus scientist, digital versus analog, faith versus reason, tweak versus non tweak, and all these misleading set of alternatives veil and mask the real question.....

Try increasing the laminar flow in your room .. it and the contents begin to disappear. Best room conditioning I ever did. Tom
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