Pass INT-250 for B&W 800's


I am looking for insight as to whether the Pass Int-250 can adequately power a pair of 802D3's? I do prefer a more relaxed and warm sound. Additionally, I do enjoy some robust bass. I have been looking also at the McIntosh products (611 monoblock or new Ma12000 integrated). Any insight would be greatly appreciated! 
A Pass INT 250 won’t even blink with those. You will be most pleased provided you like the overall sonic integration of the two. IMO those two will play nicely. 
I have the Pass 250.8 power amp and B&W 803 D3s and the amp has way more power to push the speakers than you'll ever use unless you need to broadcast in an airline hanger.  BTW, check the sound of the INT vs. the power amp to see which sound you prefer.
I have tried McKintosh with 800d3 and 2. Far too "weak" for me and I use Bryston 7b3. It is a matter of taste though

One of my audio friends has the 802D2 and just purchased the new mac 12000 integrated amp. The sound is fantastic and it mates very well with his B&W's. I have a pair of 800D and I have been considering replacing my Edge pre and power amps with a high quality integrated. Both the mac and gryphon are under consideration. Best wishes.


All the above recommendations will sound fine, but you bought the B&W 800 because they are B&W’s flagship speaker, why settle for an amp that is "fine" with them.
The Pass won’t have amperage ability of the Gryphon, and many say have the "Mosfet haze" to their sound, and the "transformer coupled" SS Mac’s, will have even less control. But they both will sound "fine".

Get the Gryphon Diablo 300 which will control them far better than any other mentioned here, and have the magic transparent class-A sound they have also.

Cheers George