Keegiam, here we use a sort of funny expression, that translated goes like this: 'After I caught myself in a lie, I learned not to trust anyone'...
Not meaning to go in a long rant, but looking at the state of public affairs, in my country, it is painfully obvius when there is corruption 'on top, that transcends all the way to the 'bottom' of all society, meaning, that in everyday life one has to be careful with dealing (in business and other affairs) with others, as everyone is looking for an 'angle' that will benefit him at the expanse of others. It is sad but more depressing is the fact that after a while you are not even surprised when you hear or read about different 'mishaps' that are occuring on daily basis. The result is that everyone are more or less ready to 'beat' the system and constant and ever present mistrust in any of official institutions...and ever present need to 'know a man' (even in a case 'just to be sure') in dealings that are requiring some sort of public services that are more or less obtainable.
Its been said, that the revolution is opium for the intellectuals, but I would not object one, even on the smaller scale
Not meaning to go in a long rant, but looking at the state of public affairs, in my country, it is painfully obvius when there is corruption 'on top, that transcends all the way to the 'bottom' of all society, meaning, that in everyday life one has to be careful with dealing (in business and other affairs) with others, as everyone is looking for an 'angle' that will benefit him at the expanse of others. It is sad but more depressing is the fact that after a while you are not even surprised when you hear or read about different 'mishaps' that are occuring on daily basis. The result is that everyone are more or less ready to 'beat' the system and constant and ever present mistrust in any of official institutions...and ever present need to 'know a man' (even in a case 'just to be sure') in dealings that are requiring some sort of public services that are more or less obtainable.
Its been said, that the revolution is opium for the intellectuals, but I would not object one, even on the smaller scale