in the eye (ear) of the beholder

dadork104 posts   Good choice to build you own.  For 20+ years I had a high end modern furniture store selling the best from Denmark, Italy, the US and more......and ended up building my own stereo bench.  It is how so many good to great things happen or happened.   It happened with a man named Ferrari. 

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Not Lane (I inherited my mothers cedar lined Lane).

Could have been something cobbled together and private labled since we had furiture manufacturers close by in IL, MN and WI @ the time (1960's).

My parents once dragged me to Tel City Mart (think that was the name) in Chicago one weekend and they ended up buying awful Early American style stuff to replace MCM stuff.

And then, 3-4 years later, came the shag carpet.

Vacuuming pot seeds out of shag carpet makes a very entertaining (memorable;-) sound. 

Was never into Danish Modern but was fond of the pickled wood square edged MCM style.
