You Tube sound comparisons

Yes it’s the high end AB testing videotaped and seen by thousands.

I have seen many of these and it sounds very good.  But I have great trouble discerning diffs between speakers, or amps or whatever.  Am I alone?

After all, sound is being heard thru my speakers.   Seems like this is a problem.  Yet so many offer their comments convinced they hear diffs.  

Wish they would do shorter segments, ie. 15 seconds vs 15 seconds of same music section.  Makes it easier to compare. 
Treat them skeptically. As mentioned, most of the mics used can't do a great job, especially for trying to judge how speakers will present images and soundstage. Most of those mics can't pick up low bass well too. 

They might help you narrow down a list of what to research further, but that's about it. 

Another consideration is that many channels are paid promotions...basically infomercials. Let the buyer beware. Cheers,
Wish they would do shorter segments, ie. 15 seconds vs 15 seconds of same music section.  Makes it easier to compare.

No, that is a crutch that makes it harder for you to learn HOW to compare!  
That is exactly why I said,
Don't focus on any one thing in particular. Just listen to the music. After a while I think you will see what I mean. Be patient. Give it some time. 

The level of listening you are doing when comparing little bitty samples of tracks is a completely different process from what it takes to absorb the full meaning conveyed in each case. All you do with your few seconds is focus on one itty bitty little aspect of the sound. If you listen this way then yes the videos are pointless. But listening this way ALL auditions are pointless! You must elevate yourself to a level where you are getting in tune with the whole presentation. I'm not saying this is easy. Few things worth doing are. But if you can learn to do it- wow. Whole new world.

@emergingsoul... you still sleeping on that schiit freya plus on us audiomart??  Its gonna be gone!  
The bottom line is there are not enough Brick and mortar stores locally so many of us have to rely on You tube as ONE avenue for selecting our components.....especially speakers. I have been able to identify certain speakers that I would not buy as a result of You Tube. Once I identify two or three that I like I then search where they are and if it is possible to do a live demo.