Why do people care what their speaker wants?

Or amp. Or DAC, pre-amp, or whatever. Fill in the blank. Why does anyone care? Are speakers so haughty they get all moody and pouty if you don't give them what they want? I thought the whole point was to have a system that sounds the way we want it to sound? So why all the people asking what goes with what? What do they care? Why?
Why do people care what their speaker wants?

Quite simple really. You can’t take a random bunch of components, hook them together, and get the sound you want out of an audio system. You have to go about it in a systematic manner to have the best chance at success.

So, where to start? Speakers are a very good place to start. Find a pair that you like the sound of, then ask; What amp paired with these speakers will give me the sound that I want? Or, to say it in slang, What amp do my speakers want?

We know that speakers don’t want anything. They’re inanimate objects. We also know that certain speakers sound better (or different) with certain amps, and that’s what we’re asking for opinions on.

It’s the same as saying, My speakers like it when I suspend my speaker cables with rubber bands, when what we mean is, My system sounds better when I suspend the speaker cables with rubber bands.
Harbeths want Stradivarius' varnish and Tektons want flush-mounted bass drivers.
When I switched to Lowther Fidelios (well, actually when I paired them with 300B SET, bass was too shy with solid state), I noticed that there was a synergy between them and wind instruments.
I cannot say I cared, but the synergy was there, it was enjoyable, and it affected my listening choices.
After years I wanted smth. else, now Lowthers gather dust, but I’ll connect them again some day.