Can I leave speaker jumpers in?

I’m setting up a second amp in my  system but my Audio Note speakers require bi wire. I plan to use separate cables for each amp. The first amp has the correct bi wire cables however I have a second pair of cables on hand that are not bi wired and will require some jumpers. My question is can I set up the jumpers and keep them installed and still use my bi wired cables or is this a no-no?
I hope I explained this alright.
I am not bi amping. They are not mono blocks.
I over complicated it.
I have two amplifiers. For fun I want to listen to one for a while then the other. Not at the same time.
My speakers have a + and - for low and high frequency so they need bi wired cables.
I have two pairs of cables. One pair is bi wired and one is not so it requires jumpers. Can I leave the jumpers in while using the bi wired pair of cables?
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