Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
Post removed 
How many people do you see leading the world forward in technical fields "without a formal education". The answer is pretty close to none. If you don't know what was done by those before you, it is impossible to build on what they have done.

Orval and Wilbur Wright (owned a bike shop)
Howard Hughes with Lockheed (was not an aeronautical engineer)
Henry Timken inventor of the taper roller bearing ( wagon builder)
Gottlieb Daimler Inventor of the Motorcycle and Automobile (was a gunsmith)

I can go on and on shooting holes in your post.

Science and technology have become very diverse and complicated since those (relatively) early times. As much as it is possible that some brilliant mind makes a technological breakthrough anyway, most of the developments might be by the people who have dedicated some time to formal education about the basics of the studied field. These days, at least.

All those people mentioned above have been dead for a while. They might have lead the world forward in technical fields without formal education at the time when there was no formal education.

"Gottlieb Daimler Inventor of the Motorcycle and Automobile (was a gunsmith)"

Was there a College of Automotive Sciences in 1878?

"Howard Hughes with Lockheed (was not an aeronautical engineer)"

He might have been smarter than thinking he could do it all...

"He hoped to hire Lockheed to design a revolutionary aircraft capable of comfortably shuttling 20 passengers and 6,000 pounds of cargo across the United States, offering commercial aviation’s first coast-to-coast, non-stop service."

"Hughes outlined the initial performance specifications, but it was Lockheed that would design the sleek, distinctive, now-iconic aircraft."

How the Constellation Became the Star of the Skies | Lockheed Martin 

I love that airplane. It is the best looking aircraft ever made. The DC 6 was so bland in comparison. The 1st Air Force 1 was a Connie. Eisenhower's Columbine II.
It is harder to be a pioneer now. Advancing technology has become so much more complicated than it was at the end of the 19th century. But they still exist. I believe most of us would call Elon Musk a pioneer. Perhaps visionary is a better term.
Anyway, getting this emotional over the Perfect Path Technologies eMat is pretty silly. The only effect it has is on the minds of the people who were foolish enough to spend money on it. Such is the mythology of audiophilia nervosa. I understand Pfizer is researching a drug for this rather common condition. I gave them Audiogons web address as a source for study subjects.
The only effect it has is on the minds of the people who were foolish enough to spend money on it. Such is the mythology of audiophilia nervosa. I understand Pfizer is researching a drug for this rather common condition. I gave them Audiogons web address as a source for study subjects.
I dont understand WHY you go on insulting a group of people, not one but many ? it is not "turntable ignorant crowd" this time like for some other, for you it is "ignorant tweakers"....

I dont understand WHY you exclude yourself from this disease "audiophilia nervosa" on what basis ?

I dont understand WHY you can decide by yourself what is right or wrong about a product and going through many threads where you dont participate in a positive way bashing all others active positive participants, because they bought, not your "equalizer" audio club reference gear, but another product?

I am pretty sure you dont work in psychology....For audio matters listening too much to some here, and in your "club" probably, who dont even understand what timbre concept is, apart from being "a colored warm subjective illusory" perception is not the right things to do i think....

I dont understand; but wait a minute, you give yourself an explanation in another "historical" post:
Well folks, some of us are gifted and can tell by looking at some things that they are absolutely not suited for the suggested purpose.