small speaker for office

I'm thinking about EPOs 3, Silverline Minuet, ERA D4, room size is aprox. 15x18, using NAD 7155. My budget is $400 max. Listening to rock, blues, acoustic, of the three, the best or other suggestions. Will be bought unheard. Any thoughts??
Consider Renaissance Audio(Morel)Piccolo. I doubt you will find better drivers in a small speaker for around $700.
PSB are gear and music friendly. If your musical tastes are more specific, I'd reconsider. But, if you need a speaker that can sound good across the board of musical genres and are budget limited, they are easy to live with.
Making a BIG mistake if you don't consider the little 3/5 variations from Spendor, Harbeth and ATC.
I also use the ERA D4s in my office. I have gone through several amps, but the ERAs are keepers.