Anyone Have M2Tech Gear? Looking for opinions

I'm thinking about getting M2Tech gear The Evo Hiface Evo 2 USB to SPDIF adapter with the optional clock and power supply. I have a Berkley Alpha USB but it only has one output and I need more flexibility. The Evo Hiface will give me that. I have never seen the units and there is no local shop that demonstrates them. I will have to buy them blind.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

I heard the M2Tech Young DAC and although it sounded ok, I hated the looks. I heard it at a store that is no longer open (owner Ralph retired) and can’t remember the store name.  Store was in North Andover, Ma. 
@stereo5 , the Evo series looks a lot different. M2Tech is an Italian company, They have a different sense of style than we do. If it is constructed well I'm fine with it. Problem is I don't know that.
Thanx for replying. North Andover? I'm about 3 miles from North Andover right now! Where do you live? My office is in Salem NH.