Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmooncrikit
So what you are saying is you have no clue. Look at your own post Opapa......

***** I believe *****   that the same technology was used in the mats as was used in the PPT Total Contact contact enhancer. Judicial use of Tim Mrock’s graphene formula under the label of the mat. And as for the mat itself, ***** I believe that it was the same material as that used for refrigerator magnets. *****  And yes, the mat material can be bought through Internet suppliers. However, the graphene formula used in developing the PPT mats died with Tim Mrock ... the genius who came up with all of these great ideas.

PPT did not make "graphene", they incorporated graphene into a carrier/solvent.  They didn't have a graphene formula, they had a formula for a carrier/binder used in the contact enhancer. They would have bought the graphene. Judicial use under the label .... sure, that is why the mat is pretty flat on the label side??   You would have had better luck claiming it was on the other side, where it was a flat but a bit bubbly on the first one, but flatter but grittier on the "upgrade".  There are a ton of proper EMI absorbing mats on the market that use graphite, and ferrous particles depending on operation method. I will give you 3 reasons why they don't use graphene and cost and too difficult to manufacture are not it.
Tell us Know It All..explain it to all that  have used the mats and the Gate . Splain it to us please. Tom
I don't know it all theaudiotweak, but quite obviously I know a lot more than you.  I don't claim to know something 100%, then write "I believe" .... words matter.
"I believe" .... words matter.
A grain of salt of modesty from someone who dont have much of this virtue.... Congratulations...

Albert Einstein himself would not condemn a product about which he know nothing.... When working at his desk in Swiss patent office....

Why not imitating him?

The answer is simple you despise " audiophiles" and your fun is stirring their pot....Your blinders make for the fact that you will never recognize that no audiophile is like another, for your own sake self imposed limitations they are all one bunch of identical deduded idiots....Audiophile is a species existing only in your head....All engineers are not blind adept of scientism either.....Then i dont oppose engineers and audiophiles like small mind do....

I deduce from your prefered past-time then that your intellectual heights are not so towering above us ....

Nobody here know so much more than all of us together....We are all here to help or being helped... 

«A tower of pygmies exceed any giant, and all giant need a pygmy on his shoulder sometimes to see more»-Groucho Marx
If only the claims had remained in audio but when users of these "mats" extol lower electric bills, frozen orange juice in the refrigerator,  water heaters over heating , TV needing readjustment,  we've left the well perhaps and entered the twilight zone.