Op, no worries at all my man. What we need to di is find you the best 2 channel integrated around $1k to pair with your ls50’s
Maybe look at a Preowned Rogue Sphinx? I got a Belles Aria for not much more than a Sphinx and its great too.
Do you have a Dac yet? Whats your main source? Streaming Tidal, Amazon, Qobuz? Ard you using a dedicated streamer? A laptop?
Just asking to see what your source and dac situation look like.
Something from Rega, Creek, Hegel etc would be nice.
I had a Peachtree Nova 220se and they are pretty sweet for around $1k, a Nova 150 might be cool...
Just for reference too, I’d bet that the Rega IO at 50 watts is as strong as the Pioneer at 110 watts so keep in mind that peak horsepower doesn’t mean anything with power under the curve. I’ve heard 75 watts sound as strong as 225 watts too so it depends on other things too, not just max wattage at a certain frequency for a short period of time.
Maybe look at a Preowned Rogue Sphinx? I got a Belles Aria for not much more than a Sphinx and its great too.
Do you have a Dac yet? Whats your main source? Streaming Tidal, Amazon, Qobuz? Ard you using a dedicated streamer? A laptop?
Just asking to see what your source and dac situation look like.
Something from Rega, Creek, Hegel etc would be nice.
I had a Peachtree Nova 220se and they are pretty sweet for around $1k, a Nova 150 might be cool...
Just for reference too, I’d bet that the Rega IO at 50 watts is as strong as the Pioneer at 110 watts so keep in mind that peak horsepower doesn’t mean anything with power under the curve. I’ve heard 75 watts sound as strong as 225 watts too so it depends on other things too, not just max wattage at a certain frequency for a short period of time.