Back to vinyl need phono stage help!

Recently back in the vinyl game since the eighties! Sota sapphire VI>Origin Live silver>Hana EH. My backend is a Primaluna Evo 400>Pass Labs XA30.8>Ascend Acoustics towers. Musical tastes from Porcupine Tree to Loreena McKennitt!! Looking for phono stage help! Would take musical and dynamics over analytical any day of the week!! Sutherland KC vibe is what's been recommended to me. Price range would be around 1k to 1500. Of course there's always wiggle room lol!
Seems like you should decide whether you want more tubes (warmth?) into you audio chain as you already have the tubed PrimaLuna.  If not, maybe go with a SS (solid state) phono stage.

All of the suggested phono stages mentioned by members have good/great reviews, however the PS Audio Stellar is a new modern design (2019-2020) which was designed to compete with what became before it in the market.  The PS Audio Stellar got many fantastic reviews and punches way above it’s price point.  It was designed by young engineer and vinyl enthusiast Darren Myers - I was impressed 
with his interview with Michael Fremer
If you can afford it’s a great option.

Since I have the Evo400 I'm not really interested in more tubes and that's not to say they can't be great...just a preference. I like the Gold note PH10, The Jlti MK 3 or 4 and now the 5 and the WhestTwo.2. Any of you cats have any direct comparisons, and any first hand experience of the Whest?
Thanks for all the info and suggestions! That's why this forum can be so cool!✌️
I use Cambridge Audio duo with PL Evo 400 after 1,000 hours :-) of internet searching.
Quiet, neutral, $400, sounds amazing on Dyn Evoke 50s.
Jim, you really want to stay away from all these cottage industry players. Here today, gone tomorrow. Wooden chassis on a phono stage? They have to be out of their minds.
The best inexpensive phono stage going, hands down is the Parasound JC 3 Jr. JC stands for John Curl a legendary engineer whose creations are legendary. Check out the reviews and go hear one if you can. It is an amazing piece for the money and has the sound you want. Parasound is a very well established company that will be around for a long time. You get a lot more for your money with them than with all this fly by night other stuff. The Sutherland is OK but it is not a JC 3 Jr. If John Curl signs off on it, it is going to be a great unit. 
Lots of good choices listed here.

If you really do want to stick to your $1500 price point, as mentioned above, the Parasound JC3 Jr is a fantastic option.  

Lehmann Black Cube SE is another great choice (and closer to your $1000 number).

(Parasound and Lehmann dealer disclaimer)