My system is ... well, not ready

Hi Everyone,

A lot of you have been asking me to look at my system, and it’s been an absolute mess in this apartment. However!! I am moving, and I have posted the new living/listening room up in the Systems part of Audiogon. I’m 3 weeks from occupying that space, so please be patient as it will take a while to clutter it up with electronics. :)

Right now the plan is to put the TV in the bay window. It only looks at the neighbors, so I don’t mind giving it up, flanked by GIK acoustics soffit traps and standalone panels, as well as adding curtains in all the windows and doors and ceiling mounted panels.

The room is about 13' by 17' and I'll be taking lots of measurements as I go along. :)


Erik:" Mike's suggestions are quite reasonable. I think his entire room treatment runs around $2,500. About the price of a really decent DAC."

Hello Erik,

     Is Mike's last name from GIK Majors?  If so, he's the same GIK rep who helped me with my room.  I bought and installed all his recommended treatments and the results were excellent. 
     His general philosophy seems to be a balance of absorption and diffusion in the room with a preference for more diffusion along the front and rear walls.  My impression was that he's very knowledgeable and his advice was reliable.

Best wishes,
Well people, I have arrived, and my dreams of ordering all that fancy room treatment are on hold for right now.

There was a mixup between the movers and the floor refinishers, so I can't really unpack the living room until that is done. The house went from 3 toilets to 1/2 over night, the porch steps need to be rebuilt, gutters installed, sump hose must be attached, and a car must be procured. 
The closest thing I have right now to working hifi gear is my television.

Very sorry to hear of your house catastrophe. Hope you are able to get that squared away pronto. Regards