Does it annoy you when companies don't show the internals of electronics ?

I noticed that merrill audio and mcintosh general don't show all the internals of their electronics. A friend of mine actually asked merrill to see pics of the internals of their amps and pres. The remark from merrill... 'people listen to how they sound they don't look at whats inside.'

But why hide it? Are they trying to protect some secrets of their tech? Might as well just show it... if you have dones something truly exceptional people will appreciate that and its going to be that easy to rip off.

Where do you get your information ? Your way off your rockers.  

In case you do not understand business, let me explain.  The preamplifier I posted a link to is the Olympia LXi, it has a MSRP of $22K, the dealer gets half of this amount which means we sell them for $11K, if sold into international distribution theres an extra  10% off which means we sell them for $8800 - you try to do this. 

You may not care for the looks, I don't give a RA if you do or not, luckily many people like the sleek "I mean business" Styling.  

Good Listening


Yes.  Not "annoyed" but it is a deciding factor for me.  Hope I don't have to but I like to do my own repairs.  If I see any proprietary epoxy modules (secret black boxes) I pass.  Unless they are really inexpensive or given to me.  Otherwise if it sounds good I don't care what it looks like in there.  Not going to get quality sound using cheap inferior parts.
Master mahgister, "I’ve sat on this rock so long I have calluses on my butt." and I still can’t hear the difference..

MM replies, "listen peanut brain.. Mouth shut, ears open.. less talk, more though.."

Tap Tap Samba! :-) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< That's all me...

Hmm - potted circuits that you can't see into must drive the OP crazy. Wonder if he demanded that the car dealer drop the oil pan for a look-see before he'd buy a car, or asked his spouse to submit whole body X-rays before agreeing to take them on?  

It all seems a tad silly.....
The array of resistors is not likely to fail.
Thanks for your answer...

My best to you....

To be clear (and ramble...), this point is about ’science’. Not ’engineering’--which is a thing that operates under the umbrella of dogma in it’s fundamentals. people get them confused with one another all the time.
I think the same as you on that thanks for your post....