looking for a Integrated amp $6,000 range

I'm looking for a Integrated amp without DAC any suggestions ? 
There are two Ayre Ax--5/Twenty's for sale on hifi shark/ebay for $6k and $6500. Lists for $15k. Not sure why they are going for so little, but great deals on a fantastic integrated. Read the reviews, one of the best.
I've used a BAT 3000SE for the last 3+ years.  Built like a tank.  150 watts per side.  Hybrid, so two tubes in the pre-ampstage.  It lists at $8000, but I believe cosmetics will change soon to be in line with new BAT look, so you may be able to get one new for your price range.  In fact, there was a time a few years ago when Music Direct had a sale for $5600 (naturally, a few months after I got mine!).

The only reason I'm trading mine in is to upgrade to D'Agostino Progression.  So, you should be able to get used for $3000.  (If you are interested let me know.)
Second the recommendation on the Ayre AX 5.  I just got a new one. Phenomenal amp IMO.