LSA110 Statement as possible replacment for Silverline SR17.5?

Toying with the idea of upgrading my Silverline monitors. The new, Supreme version cost $7500 and I'd rather spend less. Anyone familiar with the LSA110 Statements ?  Just how good are they?  How bright/Neutral/Warm ?
Any other suggestions under 4K ?

Rest of my system:
Wells Audio Majestic integrated
Moon 260D transport
Aqua La Voce DAC
Acoustic Zen IC
AudioArt speaker and digital cables

Your Silverlines are obviously great speakers.  What specifically would you like to improve upon?
I was wondering whether the LSA's sub bass radiator might offer deeper, tighter bass. However, I read one review that mentioned the SBR might require more space between it and the back wall than other monitors and. I've only got 24" -- not sure this would be enough.