Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"

Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"

I am sharing this for those with an interest. I no longer have vinyl, but I find the issues involved in the debates to be interesting. This piece raises interesting issues and relates them to philosophy, which I know is not everyone's bag. So, you've been warned. I think the philosophical ideas here are pretty well explained -- this is not a journal article. I'm not advocating these ideas, and am not staked in the issues -- so I won't be debating things here. But it's fodder for anyone with an interest, I think. So, discuss away!
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My response to digital lovers is if you walk out on your front porch on a Sunday morning and you hear the birds chirping the wind blowing through the trees with the leaves rustling that sound that you're hearing is analog your ears are analog they're not digital
My response to you would be not to post such silly things. DACs output analog signals, not bits and bytes
Correct audio2design. Bad analogy dutchydog. Call a fax machine. Listen and you will hear the sound of computers talking. That is what digital sounds like. 
Excellent post Mahgister. Recording engineers,  musicians and vocalists choose mics like we choose phono cartridges.