Amperex 6922 overkill?

I have an all Audio Note system with a MK2 Sig. Dac. The stock tubes are 6922 Soviek's.
Will the Amperex 6922,PQ,White Label,Gold Pins,U.S. or Holland (Joe's tube lore) be a overkill in this Dac?. Cost for these tubes,$400.00? Yes!. Any other tubes that will work as well?

I have the 2.1x balanced dac and I used mullards which I love. any tubes you put in the dac will give you more than a $400 improvement over the sound of the sovtechs.
Tube prices are ridiculous. They have been for a while. I guess they remain that way because audio'philes' are willing to pay ridiculous amounts of money for them. Just look at some of the ads here on the 'Gon. I suppose when my stash is gone I'll be selling my preamp.
Gary. i also have a 2.1x dac and have tried a lot of tubes and for the money the Mullards ( silky rich and smooth ). The Amperex bb are more dynamic but still retain a rich and smooth sound for this dac. These two tubes to me sound better than E88CC telefunkens. Hope this helps, for $400 you can buy 2 pairs of each and be ok for tubes for the next 15 years with that dack.

$400.00 is to much for any tube, i don't care what it is

Your gear at retail, $130,000, + ?????????????????????????
