Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Yeah, tbh I was just ready. I could have put more effort in, but I got about a third of the money back for it that I spent on it 20 years ago. It had a good run. Hopefully "they" will fix it up and someone will get some joy out of it.

I don’t know about shorting out the XLR input, and will look into it. I am getting a little hum through my current system when I connect my PC through HDMI. So far, unplugging the PC’s HDMI cable does the trick and the amp goes dead silent.
@tomthiel do you by chance have the Mahler 7 - CSO Abbado on DG?  The track I used was the beginning of mvt 5.  If not I can post a snip of the track for testing purposes.
@therealpupalei what do you think of the PS amp? 

I have a Denon HTR and have hooked it up to my Krell to Thiel setup. This wasn't a good match at all.  The preamp I use now (Levinson 326S) is significantly more expensive however is an excellent match for the system. I've also used the Mytek Brooklyn as preamp/DAC and the MSB Analog as preamp/DAC.  The Levinson gives it more weight with more meat on the bones without interfering with what the 3.6's do so well.
Too clinical, dry and thin to my ears. Silver cables will present this way on Thiel loudspeakers, especially, the newer models.

It's worth pointing out occasionally that there is no actual basis for such a claim, beyond imagination.

Audiophiles misleading audiophiles....
Anyway, back to Thiels...