Neal Young and Tidal

I read where Neal Young claimed the MQA files of his music on Tidal were not his Master recordings. Isn’t that what MQA stands for: Master Quality Authenticated. If that’s what happened, then is MQA not really a guarantee that you are getting THE Master recording? Maybe I didn’t get the story right.  Because if that’s true I would think the story would be covered in every audio publication with MQA being named the biggest hoax in years. But that isn’t happening. What’s the real story? 
No MQA recordings are the original masters. They have special MQA DSP applied. That's just a fact. The name and the reality have nothing to do with one another.
AFAIK, "MQA" is the brand name -- not a reference to the actual master. Somewhat tricky, eh:)
MQA is copy and distribution control with a new skin to try and fool people into buying the ’new mo-better’ tech.

It’s a case of a company that used to deal in the world of audio, reaching out into the realm of copy control, gussied up and presented as something else, so the given corporations that are involved... buy into it, promote it... and make it grow into a ’standard', like Dolby noise reduction or the HDMI handshake standard.

All to try and protect corporate profits. The real pushers of control and quality in music.

In this case, at the same time, destroying the innate quality of the orignal recording, in a subtle away as possible but also a real destruction of the innate orignal qualities.

It’s case of meridian saying to the industry, "We will be a trojan hoe vehicle for you, we have a great and perfectly shaped weapon that fits your desires and slips under the radar of most potential users."

Re Canada, it violates the citizens rights before they have a chance to exercise them.

Like being told upon the birth of the given music, ’It has the right to bear all the children you may want, but we removed the reproductive system before the music was was born, and further...put a child blocking system in it’s place.. and, again, apologies for the misshapen, and malformed body of the music. It has been distorted in the act of the organ removals but we’ll pretend it is perfect as the original.

PS, we removed all the blood as well, as this makes it cheaper for us to transport."

Well, MQA, the industry... and Meridian, "So long and thanks for all the grift."