Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
fleschler ...

As soon as the virus is under control, you'll have to come up for a listening session. The system is WAY beyond where it was the last time you heard it. Truly a magic music machine.

Your argument seems to be  the idea that your mind is unable to  accurately translate your senses. Therefore, this "truth" applies to all of us. The only question is , Why should anyone believe you since you say your senses are not accurate? Isn't this the definition of non sense?  Do Sugar & salt taste the same because our senses are so easily fooled? Really? 

@oregonpapa  I wish I could hear your & Miller's  systems. I have the PPS installed in my system and know the benefit. The Core power 1800 was another step up. I just got it. I learned the beauty of footers and power when I started experimenting with the footers under my CDP. Then an Oyaide R1 outlet. My jaw dropped upon adding each one. I was a skeptic also but I was also curious. This is the thing that many detractors face. They have very little curiosity.  But curiosity isn't necessary when you know it all. 
Welcome artemus_5 to the club! You make a great point about sugar and salt- and not being curious because, know-it-all. But unfortunately people like mijostyn are so deep in denial they refuse to acknowledge even the most compelling evidence.

The comments from impartial listeners are right there on my System page. One of them, Deborah, she was listening with her eyes closed when I silently made a change. She heard it immediately, opened her eyes to see what was going on. She had absolutely no idea or expectation of anything, just sitting there listening, and she heard it. Read the comments!  

mijostyn knows this. It's been posted before. For sure he knows it. So do all the others. Whole slew of stories just like this- with Cones, cable elevators, the circuit breaker trick, on and on. The only thing I can say to them is, it's not just a river in Egypt!  

Then there's my wife. She hardly ever will sit still and listen. But she hears just fine. She has no idea what I am doing, or if I am doing anything at all. Oblivious. Yet it is amazing how many times I do something and she immediately notices and asks what did I do this time??!

A couple times it was Mats. Opened speakers up, pasted crossover caps and all the wires with TC. Put Mats around the crossover, taped along internal wires, and wrapped around speaker magnets. Altogether it was less than one Mat and some tiny fraction of a ml of TC to treat both speakers, but she heard it and was stunned. Eyes wide open.

These are not made up stories. The few of us who know, we know. This technology brings a sense of realism simply not achievable any other way. I know. Heard plenty of systems that cost so much, mine would not even cover the sales tax on theirs. They have some good things going, to be sure. Not saying mine's perfect. All kinds of faults all over the place. But eerie sense of realism just ain't one of em. Can't touch that. Thanks to this stuff. That deniers want to say doesn't even exist.   

If you are ever in the Seattle area and can make time, you are always welcome to come hear for yourself. The longer you wait the better it gets but then after you leave it gets better still so don't let that put you off! ;)
The problem many people do not or refuse to understand is that just because they hear a difference does not mean that there actually is one.
What you think you hear is subject to the way you are thinking and feeling at the time which is subject to a plethora of influences and how you feel about them.
Is this a repeating groove bump in a vinyl called mijostyn brain?

Your accusation make sense for a SINGULAR hearing test about ONE tweak.....

How do you explain by being hallucinatory, or by placebo effect, 2 years of CONTINUOUS improvements, with trials and errors in experiments with acoustical devices, electrical grid devices and mechanical devices listend to by me and my family? Collective audio hallucination or real improvements? What occam razor may say if you are able to think?

Do you really think that man can deceive not only itself but others also through a set of experiments giving incremental weekly positive improvement after another culminating in a complete transformation of his audio system for 2 years ?

I dont give a damn about your lack of logical thinking and your unreasonnable use of the placebo excuse to justify your own passive attitude towards listening experiments and your faith in ready made costly consumerist solutions, BUT

i dont like your supposition about people abusing others....Especially when someone boast about a multi thousand equalizer toy/tool for the solution to acoustical problems......

This is not placebo this is ignorance....Even about what an equalizer can usefully really do or cannot do at all.....

«Most skeptics deceive themselves "believing" they doubt»-Groucho Marx logician