What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

My wife is reading a book right now that explores this concept of how humans tend to default to assuming "true", i.e. default to assuming what they are being told is true.
Incredible coincidence indeed...

My wife read a book about the fact that human always think "absolutely" true what they think is true, coming from others or not.....Imagination for most people is equated with untrue or impossible or ficticious...The human brain frame itself in jail....This framing comes from education but is reinforced by ourself ....

Almost all inventions were reputed impossible before being created...
Almost all so called common sense of human life are contradicted by some fact also...

Is it possible to live without eating?
Is it possible to levitate?
Is it possible to read the future?
is it possible to ressuscitate?
Can we think about mathematic all our life almost without brain matter (hydrocephalus case)?
Is human memory could be virtually without limits?
Is the infinite a possibility or an imagination of some fool?

Imagination is the ground of poetry and science and the mother of invention.... The father is a reason open to an infinite reality and not closed to it....

Religion and most of what people call "science" is business faith or institutional dogmas....Money and power indeed....

True science is creativity.....True spirituality is absolute freedom.....

How much of it is people trying to scam you.
How many people do you trust with your wallet, your car, your kids. A hand full maybe, mostly family.
This is ridiculous and even more pathetic philosophy indeed...Being cautious dont means we must eliminate most of humanity for being unreliable and all tweaks because they are a priori unreliable also ....😁

In regard to "tweak" or any audio product, if i dont create one for myself i read about and decide or not to try it....It is not much a question of trust, more of convenience.... All audio products are not inspired by monster scammer exploiting credulity....They are sell in good faith and for me most of the times they are too costly anyway.... The real question then is : the ratio increase in S.Q. /price for a specific audio system....

But deciding a priori to mistrust everyone and everything is ridiculous....

The real scams in audio are most of the times very easy to spot....The problem of tweak is not the idea behind the tweak most of the times, it is the high price in money which is asked for...

I replicate and improve probably at peanuts cost a very interesting "tweak" the Argent roomlens in one hour.... And some here without even knowing what it is dump it in the useless file tweak....

I replicate what i could replicate and guess what: my audio system is completely transformed at no cost.....

I prefer to sell creativity at no cost than fears and stupidity at all cost......

«The greatest deception come from our fears not from our neighbours»-Anonymus Smith
The Hallograph must work better with candles on top of it - you see them installed in cathedrals eg I am sure I saw them in Notre Dame when I was there for a recital
The hallograph was there longtime ago.... His main characteristic is to provoke stupidity to outer apparent sensical words at first sight....After calming the air in the room....

@aj523 buying an object called Talisman may possibly disappoint :noun: talisman; plural noun: talismans
  1. an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.

«Silence is the best talisman»-Anonymus Smith

I must use it with you, try it yourself.....