Hi.. Have you considered changing headamps? I'm expecting a Single Power OTL Headamp/Preamp tomorrow for evaluation. The designer says this model is designed to provide better bass than the standard MPX3..which I haven't heard either. It is called the Single Power MPX3 Slam.
It has a 600 volt 99dB-efficient Vanderveen-designed Plitron transformer.Blackgate upgrade with a 5678 tube input(not sure on that number though) and two 6SN7 output tubes. I guess I'll know for sure tomorrow the number. I have no experience with headamps or headphones.
It was the designer's idea to send me the unit along with extra tubes and headphones to play with until a custom designed peice was finished. I will let you know how it turns out. From the reviews I've read, the standard model is no slouch.I believe Mikhail told me this model sells for just under $2000.
You may not need a different cd player..could be a different Headamp.
It has a 600 volt 99dB-efficient Vanderveen-designed Plitron transformer.Blackgate upgrade with a 5678 tube input(not sure on that number though) and two 6SN7 output tubes. I guess I'll know for sure tomorrow the number. I have no experience with headamps or headphones.
It was the designer's idea to send me the unit along with extra tubes and headphones to play with until a custom designed peice was finished. I will let you know how it turns out. From the reviews I've read, the standard model is no slouch.I believe Mikhail told me this model sells for just under $2000.
You may not need a different cd player..could be a different Headamp.