Atma-Sphere Owners, MP-3 Upgrade

So I finally got around to doing the Caddock Resistor Upgrade in my MP-3. I was surprised how everything was just that much better. The Transparency and Soundstage was a decent gain. The sparkle and twinkle of certain instruments was a definite improvement. The Drums was noticeably better. And pianos, sax, and strings were better. Funny thing I didn’t believe in my system I could improve upon things a great deal. Even though each thing was better. And not a huge step forward in each. But when you put it all together. All these little subtleties. All the nicely add details. The presentation. The added depth.... All adds up to a really really nice upgrade. Caddocks are well worth it. I’ve got almost 50 listening hours on them now... I wished I had done this long ago. If you have Atma-Sphere gear. I’d seriously consider the caddocks.  I’ve incrementally upgraded UV-1, m60’s, MA-1’s and now my MP-3. Each up grade has added value beyond cost. 
I had a chance to get the resistors when my MP-3 was made but Ralph moved me away from it saying it was the least vital.
And it is quite expensive.
But your improvements seem significant. I will think about it.
@pstores ,
Oh yeah, I forgot it was you who sold it to me.🤣
Well, at least that is one thing that I don't need to upgrade.

I do recall you mentioning the Caddock resistors when I was having Ralph build my MP-1, but I demurred, as I wanted to see how a stock MP-1 would sound.
Yup when I bought my MP3 dealer talked to Ralph who said resistor package really not worth the $$$. Dealer owned MP1 which was out of my budget and he didn't have the resistor package in his MP1.
@rsf507 .
The whole point of the Caddock resistors is attaining that subtle nudge to 'perfection'.
Is it worth the money'? - is a question that only an owner can decide.
As I said, I own the Ayre KX-R. It can be upgraded to Twenty status, but that will cost five figures.
Will I do it? Probably if finances allow.
Should I do it?  Probably not.
But, when you get on the Audio Train, sometimes you have to change your destination.
Well @gdnrbob when the designer/owner says it's not worth the dollars I'd think most folks would take the suggestion.