Atma-Sphere Owners, MP-3 Upgrade

So I finally got around to doing the Caddock Resistor Upgrade in my MP-3. I was surprised how everything was just that much better. The Transparency and Soundstage was a decent gain. The sparkle and twinkle of certain instruments was a definite improvement. The Drums was noticeably better. And pianos, sax, and strings were better. Funny thing I didn’t believe in my system I could improve upon things a great deal. Even though each thing was better. And not a huge step forward in each. But when you put it all together. All these little subtleties. All the nicely add details. The presentation. The added depth.... All adds up to a really really nice upgrade. Caddocks are well worth it. I’ve got almost 50 listening hours on them now... I wished I had done this long ago. If you have Atma-Sphere gear. I’d seriously consider the caddocks.  I’ve incrementally upgraded UV-1, m60’s, MA-1’s and now my MP-3. Each up grade has added value beyond cost. 
Yup when I bought my MP3 dealer talked to Ralph who said resistor package really not worth the $$$. Dealer owned MP1 which was out of my budget and he didn't have the resistor package in his MP1.
@rsf507 .
The whole point of the Caddock resistors is attaining that subtle nudge to 'perfection'.
Is it worth the money'? - is a question that only an owner can decide.
As I said, I own the Ayre KX-R. It can be upgraded to Twenty status, but that will cost five figures.
Will I do it? Probably if finances allow.
Should I do it?  Probably not.
But, when you get on the Audio Train, sometimes you have to change your destination.
Well @gdnrbob when the designer/owner says it's not worth the dollars I'd think most folks would take the suggestion. 
The resistors are made to Ralph's specifications so they are not your off the shelf Caddock resistors. I think the price reflects that. I had them in my S-30, but my M-60s do not have them.
@clio09 , 
Did you notice any difference between the Caddock upgrade and stock- Assuming you upgraded.