A stupid question for which there's no sensible answer.

I know, I know. At least I've labeled it properly.

Here goes: of the following elements of a system, how would you rank their influence on the sound? In other words, generally, which would someone want to upgrade or prioritize, and in what order,  if all of the following pieces were inferior to an amp/preamp and speakers they were happy with? Power cables, connector cables. speaker cables. streaming source, music source, dac (I vote for this one as #1), room treatment, speaker placement, type of chair, earwax quotient, what you ate for lunch, etc.

I hereby give my permission for everyone to tell me this is an idiotic question since the real answer is: it depends. (But I did put a "generally" in there somewhere). Anyway, I prefer that we debate this based on what we've experienced when we've tinkered. So I guess I'm really interested in anecdotes.

Not necessarily room treatments.  Just getting the right speakers set up right in the room which depends on where you are listening from.  You might not need room treatments to get good sound of you do that right. Can they make things even better once you do?   Of course.  But room treatments is not task 1.  
I can see that I'm coming from a deficit position in terms of comparing and contrasting both systems and individual components.
 I became an audiophile when, 2 years ago, I listened to my brother-in-laws old KEFs with whatever he had driving them. I fell in love and got some 20 year old References, along with a similar level 10 year old ss Musical Fidelity integrated amp. After a while, the speakers started hissing and distorting on certain piano, flute, and voice frequencies, so I went back to the drawing board and found a great deal on ATC 40ASCM V2s. Instant improvement and apparently a good match with my speakers--the UK sound.
But that's it. I've had no other opportunities to listen unless I wanted to stop in to dealers and tempt myself into either spending money I don't have or wasting their time. (I know. Most people don't mind doing this. I do). So I've only heard my system with one DAC -- Audioengine-- one type of cable (inexpensive) and two speakers. I don't know what's the room or what's anything, really. I did figure out a speaker placement problem (with help from another thread) when my new speakers were soundstaging unevenly.
So what is it all supposed to sound like? Which part is making it sound like X, Y, or Z.?
Is my amp warm or neutral? I know some of these conceptually--from reading online--but there's no substitute for literal experience.
This is why I appreciate all the responses I'm getting.
The most important component of a listening system is the listener.
Very wise!

My best to you....
Pretty rude answers.  This guy was just asking an innocent question and the first guy to respond immediately tried to make him feel stupid.  I thought this was a great question.  Not everyone is a knowledgeable as the first person to respond.  Perhaps this person should find another group to harass.