Universal disc players

Are there any companies currently making universal disc players? Primarily CD audio and Blu-ray/DVD video.

I am aware that Ayre used to make the DX-5 DSD. Is this worth purchasing from the used market? Does Ayre still support/repair them? 

@audioht. Were your Oppomods done by yourself?  At the same time? Your comments on improvements? Cheers

Thanks for asking.

I was intrigued by the Ayre DX-5 DSD mostly because of the company's design philosophy. I searched the net looking for a used one. I passed on the one on USAM that had been for sale for a couple of years because I thought it was overpriced. After a few months I became distracted by other things and stopped looking for awhile, plus I came upon some collectable Champagnes and spent more money on those than I should have. I recently started looking again and still no Ayre's that I could find so I decided to look for my second choice, a Pioneer LX500. I've searched online retailers and everyone seems to have had them backorder for quite awhile now and I believe they are no longer listed on Pioneer's website so I'm thinking it may have been discontinued, which puts me back at square one and rethinking the whole process. I probably am going to just keep the cheap Samsung Blu-ray that we have and add a CD transport. But we will see. The saga continues.