Universal disc players

Are there any companies currently making universal disc players? Primarily CD audio and Blu-ray/DVD video.

I am aware that Ayre used to make the DX-5 DSD. Is this worth purchasing from the used market? Does Ayre still support/repair them? 

Once again I want to thank everyone whom have responded. All information is greatly appreciated.

I will be entering an internet black hole for the next two weeks but will check back in after that to see if there have been anymore updates.

I have to admit that I am intrigued by Ayre but not if they can't easily service the unit so I will contact them after my return to find out if they can service the the DX-5 DSD. If they can't I would say that the Pioneer LX500 and LX800 maybe the most appealing. Anyone have any thoughts on the Marantz UD 9004 or UD 7007.

Thanks again
I owned a Marantz SACD player, the 8004, I believe.  Great midrange but I thought it rolled off the top end.
I am not a Marantz fan as I have been burned on a couple of their products with major reliability issues and poor Customer Service
@audioht. Were your Oppomods done by yourself?  At the same time? Your comments on improvements? Cheers