Speaker cable length

Hey y'all,

I'm thinking about changing the setup of my rig so the equipment rack is off to the side and nothing is between the speakers. However, that's going to entail a much longer set of speaker cables. Is there anything about speaker cable length I should be aware of? And and am I right in assuming that I need to keep both pairs of cables equal length?
You are going to give up far more in sound quality due to crap wire than you will gain by marginally improved acoustics. 
I would make them the same length.

The only thing to be aware of is it's gonna cost ya.
Most people probably can’t hear the difference between two different lengths or is their system capable to reveal the difference. How long of a set are you needing? If it’s a fairly long stretch and you have to watch the budget I’d suggest Canare 4s11. It’s very affordable and extremely flexible. Used in pro audio and live settings so the geometry is designed for longer runs to not pick up noise. It’s a very good and a great cable to start with as it might be the end of your journey. Can be purchased online and even Amazon. Does take a lot of hours to burn or settle in so do not rush to judgment.
The biggest issue with mismatched cables is resale as you swap them out, cuz in this game you will, just part of it. Resale is not going to happen unless someone has your specific configuration. If you do inexpensive, or DIY doesn’t matter.