Prof...thank you for the your detailed explanation and experience with the 2.7. Valuable information. Isn’t crazy how we get used to a certain speaker. There is no perfect speaker but I think we get used our speakers and then wonder what am I missing or wishing I had more this or that. However, Cal you are exactly correct :) I need to work on my room. I did stuff a couple throw pillows in the front corners and things tightened up and it helped with some imaging/focus. But the walls need help no doubt to stop reflections plus need to measure my room. Very helpful information. Thank you :)
I am going to Cincinnati tomorrow to audition some Sonus Faber Olympica III. I have always been attracted to that speaker but it is pricey however, absolutely gorgeous. If a speaker can be sexy this is one of them lol. Can’t hurt to hear what it can do. I am taking my amp and interconnects to at least see if it will push them as needed. Only downside I know the showroom is treated so I have to take that in consideration.
I am going to Cincinnati tomorrow to audition some Sonus Faber Olympica III. I have always been attracted to that speaker but it is pricey however, absolutely gorgeous. If a speaker can be sexy this is one of them lol. Can’t hurt to hear what it can do. I am taking my amp and interconnects to at least see if it will push them as needed. Only downside I know the showroom is treated so I have to take that in consideration.