Upgrading from Thiel 2.7 to Sonus Faber or Focal???

Lately been contemplating moving on from my 2.7 to possibly Sonus Faber Olympica III, Focal Kanta 2/3, Sopra 2 or possibly a Magico A3.  I don't want a lateral move however, a warmer sound overall.  Preferably nothing too hard to drive matches well with Audio Research amp and would like more bass response I am getting from the 2.7. The choices I mention are not etched in stone so recommendations welcomed.  Buying used more than likely  :)

Amp is a Audio Research Ref 110 and a PrimaLuna EVO preamp. Source is a LUMIN T2 with S-Booster.  

Thank you in advance and please lets stick to the subject  :)
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Yeah, we get used to our speakers and want that extra hit of something new.   That's why I also picked up some Joseph Audio Perspective speakers a while back :-)

I like to switch between those and the Thiels.

I find the Thiels amazingly even-handed through the whole frequency spectrum.  Neither exaggeration nor thinness in an part, highs or lows.The mids/tweeter is as seamless as any I've ever heard.

And the Thiels have that famous density and solidity to their imaging.  Other speakers sound a bit less focused, more amorphous, next to the Thiels.

If I can fault the Thiels at all, I'd say the upper frequencies while very good, are a little less suave, gorgeous and incisive as some of the very best competition.   You'll get more of a "wow" from the highs of the Focal speakers - very lively top end but very grain-free.  So things like cymbals, guitar picking will pop out of the mix in a more arresting way (if that's what you want).

That's what I love about the Joseph speakers.  (Hey..you should look at the new Joseph Perspective Graphene!).   Their tone, especially in the highs, is a bit more grain-free, silky and informative than the Thiels.

But I don't know that I can ever let my 2.7s leave my house.  I got them on a killer deal, in my favorite ebony finish.   I agree with you those Sonus Faber are gorgeous.  But I also feel the Thiel 2.7 is one of the best I've seen for a suave, contemporary look.

Great thread with lots of helpful and productive discussion. A few additional thoughts...

If you arent even going to use dsp, taking measurements of your system to see where you are at is really helpful to achieving better sound
My only experience using dsp on my main speakers wasn't positive.  I had a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 and turning on the room perfect just made my speakers kind of sound "blended" for lack of a better word.  I think I'm extra sensitive to the time domain changes produced by frequency manipulation and so I've avoided any DSP or EQ unless I'm dealing with subs.  I just say this because some people associate the measurement process with using DSP and it should really be more viewed as a way to learn about your system and how its interacting with your room.  Invaluable in my estimation.

However, Cal you are exactly correct :) I need to work on my room.

As you can see on my system page, I actually don't have any room treatments at all.  I probably should, but instead just built a four-sub distributed bass array based on Duke's Audio Kenesis Swarm.  It's more useful for dealing with standing bass waves than any kind of room treatment.  Setting that up was what finally got me to spend the big money ($100) and measure the room.  

Anyway, @samzx12 have fun in Cinci, and get a 5-way for me on your trip out.  Hope you love the SFs.
Vandersteen's are very much like warmer Thiel's, and the Vandy's tend to work nicely with Audio Research.