Speaker cable length

Hey y'all,

I'm thinking about changing the setup of my rig so the equipment rack is off to the side and nothing is between the speakers. However, that's going to entail a much longer set of speaker cables. Is there anything about speaker cable length I should be aware of? And and am I right in assuming that I need to keep both pairs of cables equal length?
Yea about that.. If the cable that's hooked to only one of two main speakers has a so so cable, or for that matter both main speaker monitors.  Then throw three parts of cable building 101 out the window.. You kind of get what you get.. And deserve it..

If I was to use zip cord, vs 12tg 24 conductor a folding weave, I bet the different length will make all the difference in the world. Zip cord length is tough to tell, between 1 meter and 10 meters.
BUT really complex weaves and length are like tuning forks.. Every foot adds, I can't hear that good, but 1 meter vs 3 meters I can..
Zip cord I can't tell the difference only copper vs alu/copper, I can..

The deal is, I don't use anything but SOOW or JSOOW 99.999 copper unless it's a main monitor cable.. BASS is BASS it likes heavy copper.
I get pretty fancy with the main monitor cable though, a helix weave with some goodies and a MY box...Works perfect for me...

So when folks chime in and say "it doesn't matter that much" I wholeheartedly disagree. Cabling accounted for a good 10% in all ranges when I really took the time to listen. ADD another 5% for top notch cabling inside the speaker...Add 5% MORE for GREAT cabling inside the power amp..

Again I would run longer RCAs or hopefully XLRs. You can get either dead quiet. and then shorten the speaker IC..from the power amp..

Happy happy..

I love this forum! I mean, where else can I ask a simple question more or less out of curiosity and generate ankle biting, learned responses, snarkiness, passionate disagreement, and occasional camaraderie? Sweet. 
Well, I’m for short everything, but when moving gear off-center is absolutely necessary, I go against the grain - employing long speaker cables and short interconnects.

Given a choice between the "evils" of more resistance as a result of long speaker cables vs. the increased capacitance of long interconnects, I’ll keep the capacitance down every day of the week. Of course, one could argue in favor of long ICs if you’re running balanced.

More here: https://galibierdesign.com/length-matters/

... Thom @ Galibier Design
I've read a bunch about speaker cable length and have ensured that my lengths are identical. I've wondered whether they should be short or long compared to IC's.

However, in the video I posted above, Gene from Audioholics gives an argument as to why speaker cable length does not and cannot matter to how they sound.

Most here are offering advice as if this argument doesn't exist.

So, please inform me -- and the OP: is Gene just wrong? What is the counterargument to his?

I'm really curious to know, because if he's right, it allows us to focus on other issues rather than remain debating this cluster of issues. If he's wrong, then it seriously compromises his integrity as an expert.

So, is Gene's argument flawed? If so, how?