Best small speakers?

I'm looking for great sound at the best price... spending around 5K, am i going to get better sound and with small monitor speakers like the B&W 805's or Harbeth? I have Paradigm S-8s now... they are big sound alright, but i think if i spent the same money on a great smaller speaker i would get more for my money as far as sound goes... ? I have an above average system, rouge 180 monoblocks, shanata cables, conditioner etc.
Holistic Audio H1 speakers. Flexible in placement, great stereo imaging outside the sweetspot, easy to drive, room friendly, decor flexible, satisfying at low volume, great bass punch, great WAF, and so freakin easy to listen to.
Hi Bobmclean,

I just wrote a review for the website that should be published by next week on Bob Smith's, Aether Audio, Spirit-1SE two way stand mount speaker. I have heard many of the other speakers mentioned by other posters and they are quite good, however this new Spirit-1SE is a pretty amazing performer. Take a look at the review when it is published and if your interested shoot me an e-mail.
I and anyoher long-time member and i (due to the mind-bending demo I haeard thru his smoewhat modest system. I knew I had to have a pair in my system. And thus began the 8-month "watch Audiogon like a hawk for the right speakers at the right price" obsession.

We both have the marvelous Gallo Reference 3.1s You can find this in pristine condition for right around 1500 - 1800 delivered.

Do yourself a favor and read the reveiews for these remarkable speakers. Adn, generally, very high-WAF...

An example: here is an Agon ad for the Gallo Reference 3.5, the successor to the 3.1. However, Anthony *doubled* the price and I think that hurt it'sgiant killer" cred.


However, the ad linked is offering the 3.5s at @9995.00 - still a *smokin'* deal in any budget-minded music lover...
