Best type of metal for turntable platform?

I have someone that owns a CNC machine. And machine for me a metal platform to the dimensions of 16 x 13 x 3. Ive heard aluminum is a good metal vs price for vibration reduction. Does anyone have any recommendations? Any input would help. Thanks. 
If I were to machine a plinth, I’d choose Corian, rather than any metal.      Even if it meant stacking and gluing sheets; to obtain an adequate thickness/depth.      I’ve used the stuff, in a number of installs/applications, for resonance control.      If your tools/CNC router bits are sharp; it machines nicely and can be polished to a beautiful finish.      It’s resonance damping characteristics are much better than any metal.     A thread regarding plinth materials:
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If your problem is a flexible floor, then the term footfall relates to the very low frequency (<4Hz) vibration that occurs as you walk across the floor.  In this case, mass & resonant damping with metal or anything else is not going to work unless you add so much mass (weight) that the floor is loaded sufficient not to bounce - but you may overload the floor.  

So what @millercarbon recommends with springs (or air bladders) is the best way to solve footfall unless you can stiffen the floor from underneath or avoid the floor entirely and shift to a wall mount.