Do lots of research before you open your wallet. Take what others say with a grain of salt. Speakers will drive your amplifier choice in many ways. Synergy is important.
I like Maggie’s and they need lots of current. You may like K-horn that are far more efficient.
Find good source material for your testing / auditioning of equipment.
Streaming is now the big new thing in audio. Remember what you get is from an unseen source as opposed to vinyl, CD, etc.
Find the sound you like and match your new gear to that, again research. A road trip or two is very worth your while before you commit your budget, at whatever level.
Most of all, listen to your own ears as it will be you in the chair most of the time (plus SO hopefully). Yes, remember the WAF!
I like Maggie’s and they need lots of current. You may like K-horn that are far more efficient.
Find good source material for your testing / auditioning of equipment.
Streaming is now the big new thing in audio. Remember what you get is from an unseen source as opposed to vinyl, CD, etc.
Find the sound you like and match your new gear to that, again research. A road trip or two is very worth your while before you commit your budget, at whatever level.
Most of all, listen to your own ears as it will be you in the chair most of the time (plus SO hopefully). Yes, remember the WAF!