Bruce is around. He just responded to my email.
Yes, we can still perform service on the ET-2 and parts, I hope this
helps - brucet
With that.
We all recognize that Bruce will not be around forever, but this tonearm IMO is indestructible. I mean, if its disassembled in parts in its box, and you accidentally leave it on the driveway and run it over, that's one thing. Barring an accident it will outlive all of us. Its biggest threat is moisture in the air line and minerals deposits, that can land on the manifold blocking air flow and movement. Even then the ET2 manual can be downloaded and does a great job of explaining how to clean it. Unlike mechanical bearings that go dry and stiff, if you have a good trap for moisture there is nothing really to do except maybe keep it covered when not used for protection against dust. Pumps are easily replaced. JMO