Inexpensive streamer options for Amazon HD?

Hello all,
I'm wondering if some of you might be able to provide me with an inexpensive streamer option that supports Amazon HD and Apple Music (via Airplay).  I'm a current Squeezebox Touch owner and have been using it for years to stream both my digital library as well as picking up internet radio and for that purpose it's been working great.  I utilize Ipeng to control the unit from my couch and I stream the content digitally to an external Eastern Electric Minimax DAC via coax.
Now that streaming services are starting to include CD (or higher) quality content, I've been considering utilizing one of these pay services going forward (leaning toward Amazon music) as it's awesome just pulling up whatever you want to hear or just throwing on a playlist.  The problem is, I can't do this (outside of TIDAL) on my SB Touch (it's also not an airplay supported device) so it's put me in the market for a new streamer that supports these formats and has the ability to be controlled via a phone.
I know the Blue Sound Node 2i will fit this role, but I can't help but feel like part of the asking price is also based on it's ability to act as a DAC. (Which I really don't need as I'd be feeding the signal to my Minimax.)  Are there other cheaper alternatives out there?
I do not know of ones that will fit your needs and support Amazon other than the BlueOS, Node 2i or NAD. But the NAD's are more $. The Node as a steamer out to your DAC is a great option. And try and plan to hardwire the internet signal to the Node. You should have no issues then and best possible audio.
Volumio custom Is will do it for no subscription. Examples are MiniDSP SHD’s & Proj-Ject S Ultra.

You should be able to do Qobuz on yours with BubbleUPnP.
+1 on Qobuz.  TAS just did a review of the hi-res streaming services and Amazon HD did not fare well versus the others.