Grounding with a Earth box?

OK so help be understand something.   I understand the value of grounding equipment, but what is the value of having a woodbox with salt, earth, minerals etc  do for grounding?  How is supposed to work or be better?

LOL, I knew you'd show up and suck the fun out of it.. SHI$ is fun.. lighten up... Your like the FART that never stop smellin', BUT at least your becoming OUR BIG FART.. We'll get use to it yet. A Big ol FART.... that never stops givin' methane 101... Engineer that... Bucco!

audio2design, your somethin'

LOL you keep me in stitches with your absolute arrogance. I do admire your tenacity, to provoke any occasion you can.. You are a willful person, tempting not a discussion but an argument at EVERY opportunity..

Just trying to wade out of the brown stuff oldhvy, but wow it is piling up deep.  Audiophiles are no different from any number of other endeavours where people convince themselves of things that are just not true and then defend them vehemently. Remember the 200MPH carburettor. It was the man (big oil/car companies) keeping us down!  Nope, it was physics.   How about that box you add to your incoming AC that reduces your electricity bills 30%?  Lots believe that and still buy them.  How about a mat you put in your electrical panel that causes your refrigerator to start freezing (thermostats be darned).

All these tweaks are the audiophile equivalent of "get rich" schemes. They are a substitute for hard work.
Ok besides the off-color comments.... 

After further research,  we know that chassis ground (or electrical ground) is not the same ground that is provided by these "Passive" (wood box mineral) or "Active" (AC powered)  Nordost, Synergistic Research, CAD devices.  These devices,  passive or active, provide a Signal Ground. 

I can see value to these devices,  but assuming you can provide a "low impedance" ground separate from your house electrical system via ground rod would essential provide a signal ground, correct?  or would these devices be a better option?

Thank you for your comments.  

Well heck that explains it all, silly me.. I don't want to get rich, I don't want to be poor either.. I just want to have a good time. 

Do you really think these people can't hear an improvement or difference with CAD?

5:00 am in the morning until 2:00 am the following morning, the electrical is extra noisy. 21 hours of the day and night, I might be able to help that some way, WITHOUT killing the dynamics of my systems..OR my pocket book.. Junior my rabbit, need a new home.. I'm savin' :-)

Remember it was the mechanics that got the boys THROUGH the hedge rows after D Day.. Not the guy that said "We'll have to go around, that's the only way",  lookin' down the barrel of a Super Tiger Tank.
Those mechanics were straight off the farms in agro America..
They were makin' moonshine and making sure America and half the world ATE..

I say this with total respect.. Engineers, build the stuff, BUT mechanics keep it going...NEVER an engineer in sight.. Civil Engineer, every now and the.. just to keep it "Civil" that is...

Now once again.. Figure out how to make it work..  I know the CAD system does work.. I just want an Earth Box NOW!! I was thinking about it before. NOW I will have "The Box"...

5:00 am in the morning until 2:00 am the following morning, the electrical is extra noisy. 21 hours of the day and night, I might be able to help that some way, WITHOUT killing the dynamics of my systems..OR my pocket book.. Junior my rabbit, need a new home.. I'm savin' :-)

Your house sits at the end of a long wire, i.e. inductor.  That wire is connected to a transformer (inductor). It is also connected to a wire (inductor).  That is in your neighborhood which is actually quieter from 5am - 6pm.

Yes, there can be more harmonics on the line during the day, but those are low frequency harmonics, i.e. in the KHz, low 10's of KHz.  All the high frequency noise, etc. from industrial never makes it through the wires. There is too much parasitic inductance and capacitance.

I cannot say whether or not any improvement from using one of these grounding boxes is "worth the money," but for some context, I thought the Nordost system made a bigger improvement in the system my local dealer used to demonstrate the product (high end system) than did power conditioners or high end power cords (as compared to decent but not extremely high priced cords).  The improvement in clarity and soundstaging  was quite impressive.