What exactly is textural density??

I’m sorry, I am new to the high end audio world. I read this sentence and could not understand any of it. Can you help?

This enhanced textural density seemed good because when I’ve experienced it before, it indicated that the transducer was tracking the signal like a race car with fresh, sticky tires.


Sometimes "Words" are the pallet of wisdom and understanding.
Other times they are just that, "WORDS".  

Call me simple, I don't want it to be, that hard to understand..

Sometimes "Words" are the pallet of wisdom and understanding.
Other times they are just that, "WORDS".
You are wise.... that is my point precisely....

But the fact that some words are used in a review dont means that these words dont make sense.... They did.... The review perhaps dont make sense, i dont know....

The OP wanted an understanding of these words.... I give what i think what "texture density" could mean acoustically.... But perhaps his motives were other than my simple supposition in creating the thread....i am myself too simple mind to figure it out.... 

Anyway any audio thread can be interesting....
"Eg, that one could be filed under spleen venting, with a side order of sales pitch."
Has anyone actually ordered a sales pitch? Ever?
Music might have textural density but not speakers. Sounds like detail. A good system overall probably delivers it better.
The speakers ALWAYS get all the credit. 😤
Music might have textural density but not speakers
Bingo! that was my point about "timbre" which is an acoustical phenomenon not and electronic one mainly.... But electronic design can help for sure....