I noticed this too. Not being critical, just curious. The style of expression is sometimes very much in keeping with English as a second language, but at other times it’s markedly more sophisticated. He always strikes me as very decent too. Not like many of us here. Interested to know more Mahgister...
People here are very generous with me....
Even if i never spoke English in my life, save for few minutes sometimes, i listened to english everyday....
Being lazy i deduced the meaning of the words often from the context without going much in a dictionary at the times...Now with a computer it is way more easy.... This is particularly easy to read not knowing English much with science litterature which is generally very gross...i dont read novel much in english....Biographies sometimes....Mostly science or maths books...
My first English ectasy apart for Poetry reading like Emily Dickinson for example come from philosopher like George Santayana incisive but magnificent prose... I remember reading his philosophical point in his book about scepticism and faith and gradually losing my grip on his subtle reasoning but going on anyway in awe by his style and his fluid embodied thinking... It was my first conscious english ectasy....I hoped my english would have been better to read him more deeply engaged at the time....
«Some mind are so beautiful my dear, i forget they are only mind»-Groucho Marx
«In beautiful forms, no more body, nor spirit, but only a musical indwelling »-Anonymus Smith