Variations in how your system sounds?

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.
My system sounds consistently good to my ears for the majority of listening sessions but every now and again (say 1 in 20) it sounds slightly 'off' -- not its usual self. It is a very small difference but i do hear it. I would describe it as a slight lack of focus and dynamics. This has happened through many changes of all components.
Is it my mood, or hearing variation? Do i need to filter my power? Do you have similar experiences?
We are not machines so we certainly do not perform equally well at anything every day, including focus and hearing.

Consistency of source power and operation of any of our devices together day to day is always suspect but its hard to take the human factors out of the equation with things like this so I would look there first.

Look for patterns regarding what might be different on a consistent basis when these things happen and be sure to take your own mood and status into account.
I recently bought a Hi-Fi Choice magazine with a free System Set-Up disc. It's pretty entertaining, especially the soundstage tests...and it has a burn-in track with demagnetisation which I DO NOT can playing a digital track on a system demagnetize it? This will be added to the 12,416 things I don't understand, unless somebody can explain it to me.
10-13-11: Bdgregory
... Also, have you ever noticed how if you leave on vacation for a while, how sweet your system sounds on return?
This one I can certainly relate to and seem to experience every vacation. Good to know I'm not alone...