Harbeth vs Vandersteen vs Sonner

Hello All. I am considering a new system and after listening to the Harbeth 30.2's with Rogue Electronics I thought I was sold. Recently, however, I heard the Sonner Legato Duo's and was quite impressed. Since the Sonners have been compared to the Vandersteen Cleo CT's I am now planning to give the Cleos a listen too. Is anyone in a position to comment on how these speakers compare?

Johnny (audioconnection) is a Vandy dealer as well as a stand up guy here on Audiogon. He knows just about everything audio- and, I don't make that statement lightly.
If you want good advice, PM him. 
And, he won't try to sell you something.
I never cared for dealers until I met him.
I have the privilege of owning them paired with Rogue Audio separates
and the sound vs. the 30.2s is more open, transparent and with deeper bass response.

Avanti1960, I would agree with this. Standard SHL5+ would be my choice as well, especially since I own a pair.
I have the Sonner Duo Legato speakers.  They are paired with 25 watt Audion monoblocks and sound great.  They are very dynamic, refined but not too polite.  $8500 is a lot of money, but I've heard more expensive speakers that weren't as impressive.  Worth a listen.
well after ( or the middle ? ) of the Pandemic and too much wine I renamed the Treo ......Cleopatra....

6 months later, they ( she ) shines on just 40 wpc...

wondering what the OP did ??????Hopefully enjoying the music, every minute of it !!!!!!
Thanks for asking. Here's what I did:
Kept my Well Tempered Table and Arm and installed a Sound-Smith Paua. Purchased an Aesthetix Pallene and Aesthetix Atlas Signature (used). Audioquest Robin Hood cables and McKenzie interconnects. And finally...tada...Vandersteen Treo CT's. Installed GIK acoustic panels as needed. Love, absolutely love the  system. Now....how can I improve it? Ha ha. I'll post some pics of my dedicated listening room on my profile. The room is also used for home theater. I replaced the Aerial 7b's with the Vandersteens but kept the Aerial sub, center and surrounds. Use the by-pass mode when watching movies. Oh, and a big thanks to John R and Samir at Audio Connection.