Vinyl headache from hell!!!

I’ve been a vinyl user for around ten years and for the past month I’ve been dealing with various issues on all three of my turntable setup that have got me so frustrated to the point of hindering my ability to troubleshoot these issues. So I’m deciding to focus on one turntable setup at a time and turn to the many experts on this forum for opinions, tips, and ideas.

Turntable one is a TW Acustic belt drive with Morch tonearm and Benz Wood cartridge: the problem is if I play a record from the beginning and playing through the lead in grooves there is static like noise on the L channel for around thirty seconds and eventually goes away. This happens on MANY records I play. If I play the record at middle of the song, chances are it will play fine without the static like noises. Your thoughts?

Mistracking on the lead-in grooves. Try increasing the VTF a bit! Make sure the stylus is clean! 
Please explain when you said, if I start it in the middle chances are the record will play fine. This makes me believe that some times it doesn't. In either case I would go through the process of resetting up your arm/cart from scratch. Good luck and enjoy the music
I will go back and recheck my settings, seems like I’ve already checked my VTA and antiskate over the last month but will do it again just to make sure. This setup was working just fine a few months ago and then all the problems with my turntables.