Recommended equipment. I use an Elmasonic P60H, sold by Fisher, a prominent laboratory equipment supplier. This endorsement is important, because if lab equipment doesn't meet spec (specification), there is hell to pay, exacted by the biggest heavyweights. So you can trust Elma (a German company) equipment not to run overpower and ruin things nor underpower and not clean things. In my unit, Quality Control is superb.
That's the tank. To rotate the records in the US bath, I use an assembly made by Vinyl Stack, a U.S. company. Quality is very high, comparable to Elma. A well thought out product which is easy to use. Even further, they will work with you to give you exactly what you need. I use one assembly with the Elmasonic to clean, another assembly to rinse.
Cleaning one or two records at a time gives best results; whether this is a matter of power per record or the distance between them I am not sure, although I suspect the latter. For cleaning chemistry I use 5% Fisher Versaclean in distilled water, 45C, 80KHz, 15 minutes. Then I rinse 4 times, dry, and put into new sleeves. @whart @antinn @rushton and others have made valuable comments on the subject. One user summarized the above, but his handle escapes me.