Neither of those issues are relevant to the obvious fact that kenjit is biased, nor to my initial criticism on this thread. I had simply questioned the "bright and fatiguing" claim of another poster,
If i was biased against Roy or his speakers why would i buy his speakers in the first place?
I'm afraid your argument just doesnt add up. Why would i be biased against them? If anything i would be biased in favor of them. Its more likely that i am simply reporting the truth.
I never had that experience, nor can I recall having heard of others having had it.And we have the right to question your claim too. Could it be that you have hearing loss in the highs? That would explain why you cant hear harshness. If you read the hifi reviews of the green mountain Eos and Rio, you will find that the reviewers certainly do allude to the same problems I and others have heard. But as we all know hifi reviewers tend to be biased and they will not severely criticize a speaker design no matter how bad it is. Thats just the way the industry works. The fact that you cant hear the problems that the rest of us can just means you have bad listening skills.