Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?

OK, controversial subject but it needs asked. I'm curious for your experiences, mainly in your home, not a dealer and esp. not a show demo
JBL L100’s for sure. Way too bright, and the bass was overpowering. Ear fatigue began within minutes of listening. They lasted about 1 month on my system. 
I thought my GE Triton Reference and ML 60xt were a little uncomfortable with the high notes. But with the addition of the RME ADI2 Dac I was able to tone them down. Now they sound fantastic. Pink Floyd never sounded better.

Setting aside your absurd claim that you are "reporting the truth", a claim that has been demolished by Johnson’s detailed recounting of your behavior, your responses on this thread have one, deeply ironic thing in common: dishonesty. The most recent example:

If you read the hifi reviews of the green mountain Eos and Rio, you will find that the reviewers certainly do allude to the same problems I and others have heard.

The original poster’s claim, and my objection to it, were about the EUROPA, yet you reference two entirely different models, which are obviously irrelevant.

That doesn’t mean that there isn’t anyone who might agree with the original poster, but it very much does underscore your tendency to be dishonest, which is why I have called you out repeatedly on this thread.

And as the old saying goes, if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. That’s a piece of advice that you would be well-served by following.

Klipsch Heresy IIs. Initial impression I liked them after 5 minutes not so much. Thought I’d give Cornwall IVs a fair chance due to the positive reviews. I just couldn’t listen to them all day. 
Virtually all Bowers & Wilkins (except one older model).

Daedalus speakers.

Zu Audio.