The Weekend

Well, just watched the half-time Super Bowl, and I am impressed and (should I say it?), surprised by The Weekend.  Perhaps it's my biases at play here, but I am shocked and happy about it.  Or as I was coached at my job, my "unconscious bias".  I loved it!
I thought the mirror room part was a missed and there was some sound issues, but overall, I thought it was pretty good. He just needs to loose the handheld microphone and get a headset so that he can move more.
So basically what happens is, there's a whole slew of thoroughly unsavory time-wasters here who really should be somewhere else. I do help the genuine audiophiles a lot. Not a week goes by I don't help a couple of them at least, for which they are very thankful.

Problem is, they come to me off-line precisely because they don't want to be attacked or have to deal with virtue signaling or any of the other BS totally unrelated to building a satisfying sound system.

So I help them, but I'm not that into it to help psychoanalyze these others, they will have to get that on their own dime. No one should ever come here only to read some schmoe exclaim how happy he is to be coached about his "unconscious bias". Or any other Marxist drivel. After trying a number of different approaches the one that seems to work the best is a combination of creatively ignoring them, combined with strategic triggering. Every once in a while this pushes one over the edge into an area where they can be banned from the site. A slow, arduous process to be sure but watch your email, I have a feeling you are about to see it in action. 

Actually, to be correct it was Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, known as the Weeknd.